Welcome all to our Repair Cafe. The 3rd event of Part 2 (Action) of the amazing Going Zero Waste Awareness Campaign.
If you’ve ever despaired of getting your vacuum cleaner fixed or thought that your broken lamp was a lost cause, there’s hope. A worldwide movement called “Repair Cafe” is trying to reform our throwaway approach to possessions.
What is a Repair Cafe?
It’s a local meeting place that brings together people with broken items and repair coaches, or volunteers, with the expertise to fix them.
The Repair Cafe concept has itsroots in Amsterdam, where Martine Postma, a former journalist, came up with the idea after the birth of her second child prompted her to think more about ways to reduce the waste going into landfills. Repair Cafestarted in 2009 and spread across the Netherlands. Today, it has more than 1,100 sites in almost 30 countries.
Why are Repair Cafes good for the planet?
- It prevents items from going to landfills and pollute
- It helps retain the value of objects for longer
- Encourages you to recycle and buy used
- Save Money
- Preserve Memories
- Help you get to know like minded people
- Help others
- Share knowledge
- Have fun
We count as small victories any broken goods that can be repaired and kept out of the trash. As the most populous country in the world, China accounted for over 15 percent of the global municipal solid waste volume with 18 percent of global population, which is the biggest share in the world.
How does it work?
There will be three main stations; Clothing, bicycles, & electronics; where clothes, bicycles, dolls, stuffed animals, appliances, chairs, electronics — if they are broken, ripped or inoperable and you can carry it in, repair coaches or repair volunteers will try to fix it.
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