“One Life”. Animal Consumption – welfare, environment and health implications
As the global population increases so does our need to produce more meat and dairy products to meet this increase. Individually we are also consuming increasing amounts of meat and dairy leading to production demands rising at unprecedented rates and our need to use more and more resources to produce these products. But this increase in demand and subsequently production, comes with some dire consequences. Raising more and more animals within confined spaces leads to severe welfare problems for many billions of animals, the increased demand on our land and water resources has dire environmental consequences, and our health is suffering due to diets which are high in animal derived proteins. This talk will examine all three of these major consequences due our desire to consume animal products.
Time: 10/13 (Thur. night) 7:00PM – 8:30PM
Location: TBC
Participants: 70 persons
Language: English
Speaker: David Neale, Animals Asia Foundation – Animal Welfare Director.
David is leading a variety of welfare campaigns working towards improving the welfare of animals across Asia.
WeChat: teambitioncd
Tel. 17760335187
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