Position Paper
Launch 2016/2017
An express of invitation to all for the launch event held on Monday 21st November, 2016 for the release of the European Business in China – Position Paper 2016/2017 held by the European Chamber Southwest Chapter. President of the executive committee of the European Chamber, Mr. Jörg Wuttke, will be the main speaker. Jörg Wuttke is the president of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China since April, 2014.
The European Business in China – Position Paper is the European Chamber’s primary annual publication. The 16th edition of the Position Paper offers Chinese policy-makers over 900 recommendations that draw directly from the knowledge and expertise of the European Chamber’s 1,600 member companies.
The scope of the paper consists of a review of the 13th Five-year Plan, with a thorough analysis of the importance of the plan to European business’ position in the Chinese market. Furthermore, a polishing of the Third Plenum’s Decision’s reforms and evaluation of how their implementation—or the lack thereof—has continued to affect the Chinese business environment during the last 12 months. A review of the lack of reciprocity in bilateral investment relations. While Chinese investment in Europe has continued to grow rapidly, European business continues to face a wide range of restrictions on how it can contribute to the next stage of China’s economic development. The concerns of the European Chamber’s 25 workings groups about their respective sector’s operating environment.
Agenda for the day:
16:30 – 18:00 Media release conference with Chinese translation (only open to media)
18:30 – 19:00 Registration for public 签到
19:00 – 19:10 Welcome remarks by Mr. Robin Niethammer, Chairman, European Chamber Southwest Chapter
19:10 – 20:00 Presentation of the Executive Position Paper by Jörg Wuttke, National President, European Chamber
20:00 – 20:30 Q&A session
20:30 – 21:30 Cocktail
Registration is only available online:
Email registration: please send Company Name, Name, Title, Mobile Number to The registration is complete only if a confirmation letter is received.
For and terms and conditions and cancellation policy, please refer to the European Chamber website
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