🎉 First 50 Night: Cocktail Challenge to the Bartender 🎉
Join us on 18 December with Nick Lappen, Head of Bar, for a night of mixology magic at Jing Bar! We’re excited to introduce our “First 50 Night,” a special event where our bartenders showcase their skills by crafting 50 classic cocktails.
🍸 The Challenge:
Each bartender must learn to make 50 foundational cocktails. On the night of the event, a unique menu featuring the names of these 50 cocktails will be presented, with no ingredient lists in sight.
👥 The Experience:
Guests are invited to order any cocktail from the list. Our service staff will provide an engaging introduction to each drink.
🎁 The Special Offer:
Enjoy a 50% discount on the first order of any cocktail on the list. As a token of your participation, you’ll leave your signature under the cocktail’s name once it’s been crafted for you.
🏆 The Goal:
Help our bartenders achieve their goal by ordering from the list. Once a bartender has successfully made all 50 cocktails, they’ll have completed their “First 50 Night” challenge and win a golden pin!
📍 Location: Jing Bar
Address: The Temple House, 81 Bitieshi Street, Jinjiang District 锦江区笔帖式街81号
🕖 Time: 5pm-1am
Be a part of this exclusive event and witness the transformation of our bartenders as they take on the “First 50 Night” challenge. Don’t miss out on the chance to be part of this memorable night and enjoy some fantastic cocktails at half price!
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