The Market Qingshiqiao (Wholesale seafood and imported food) 青石桥市场
Middle Qingshiqiao Street 青石桥中街
In a city known (by Chinese standards) for its relaxed atmosphere and casualness, the fish market at QinShiQiao comes with all the bustle and noise and energy (and mess) you expect if thought everything was going to be like ‘Little Trouble in Big China’. It’s as stimulating place for all the senses, but has some amazing deals on fresh seafood flown in daily from the coast. Show up in the middle of the night (2-4AM) for the trucks unloading the freshest, and lineup for the streetside, seafood shaokao that emerges. The shops surrounding the market, and on the 2nd floor, are also some of the best and cheapest places in the city to buy western food staples like olive oil, butter and balsamic vinegar – or even giant blocks of cheese.
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