Sino-Ocean TaiKoo Li “Collective Greatness” Installation
Our heritage and past are the foundations of our present and the sources of our blossoming future. The fragments of history are safeguarded through architecture in the passage of time “Land of Eternity” studies the symbiotic coexistence between nature, culture, and time. The installation is an abstract landscape where land, forest and sky merge with one another, giving birth to a poetic composite in which the traditional trichotomy between past, present, and future vanishes to create the Collective Greatness.
Until November 10th, visitors can catch a glimpse of the public art complex created by French multimedia & experiential artist Penelope Guerineau.
DongDa Street No. 9, Jinjiang District (not too far from Chunxi Rd., behind IFS)
锦江区东大街9号(近大慈寺, 红星路步行街, 春熙路)
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