The connective force of art has always been powerful in creating a vivid exchange between people of different nationalities and backgrounds. The exhibition “SLEEPLESS” 今夜无眠 can be seen as a fruitful cooperation of the Austrian artists Lies Maculan, Thomas Eller and Christian Schwarzwald, as well as the Chinese Artist Liang Yue 梁玥. Thanks to the Chengdu Municipal Foreign and Overseas Chinese Affairs Office the exposition as a part of the European cultural season of Chengdu.
The artist’s works have been taken out of their background in the studios in Vienna, Berlin and Shanghai to be brought together in Chengdu. The new composition of the artworks offers a different perspective to the visitors. As a common ground they all reflect the situation of being sleepless 无眠. The state of mind one has when being unable of falling asleep is related with thoughts, feelings and interpretations that would not cross our mind in a normal situation of everyday life. This exhibition as a further example of the strong ties between the People’s Republic of China and the Republic of Austria in the field of culture
Artists: Lies Maculan, Liang Yue 梁玥, Tomas Eller and Christian Schwarzwald
Curator: Alexandra Grimmer
Location: Chengdu Museum of Contemporary Art MOCA
Dates: 16th September – 15th October
Partners: Austrian Cultural Forum, European Cultural Season, MOCA
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