2016 Chengdu International Club Holiday Bazaar
The Chengdu International Club (CIC, formerly known as the Chengdu International Women’s Club) Holiday Bazaar, now in its 11th year, has become an important event on the Chengdu calendar, and a meaningful way for companies and individuals to support local charities.
The Holiday Bazaar is a fun, family event providing everyone a chance to share holiday traditions with friends in Chengdu, while giving back to the community. Each year, CIC donates proceeds from the Holiday Bazaar to carefully selected local charities. They choose cost-effective, locally managed projects that benefit people in need in Sichuan province.
This year, proceeds from the Holiday Bazaar will benefit Hopeful Hearts, International Development & Educational Associates (IDEAS), Hua Mei International (HMI) Training Center: Help the Visually Disabled Project 2016, and Liangshan Yi Woman and Children Empowerment Center.
Lastly, it’s not too late to get involved if you’re interested in joining us!
Anyone interested in vendor or sponsorship opportunities can contact them now:
Venue: CDIS (Chengdu International School)
Date: Saturday, November 19th
But do you really know what goes into the Bazaar? Without the support of the ladies and gentlemen who volunteer to run the committee, the Bazaar would never even get off the ground. I’d like to take the time to highlight all the months of hard work that goes into it and recognize our volunteers for the superheroes they are.
First of all, one of the biggest jobs is the Sponsorship Coordinator. This person contacts all past sponsors, tries to build contacts with new ones, and coordinates all the borrowed and donated items from them. All of the donations, borrowed items, and cash that comes from the sponsors adds up to a value of over half a million RMB, so this is a big job! This year’s Sponsorship Coordinator is Holly Beale, from the UK.
Second is the Tables & Vendors Coordinator. The T&V Coordinator needs to be a logistics whiz. This person accepts all the applications from everyone who would like a space at the Bazaar. This is mostly vendors, but includes most of our sponsors too. They work closely with all these people to ensure they have space and power resources as needed and that they are aware of all the things they are responsible for on the day of event. They also arrange the layout of all the spaces (well over a hundred!) at the venue and coordinate setup and teardown. This year’s T&V Coordinator is Greg Shill from the U.S.
Next is the Silent Auction Coordinator. The Silent Auction is a big moneymaker for our charities and a lot of fun! The SA Coordinator gets all the donated items and vouchers from the Sponsorship Coordinator, and organizes all of them into spaces at the SA area. Each item has a paper with a minimum starting bid, and the SA Coordinator oversees the auction on the day of the event and works for days after the event to make sure that all items are paid for and picked up. This year the SA Coordinator is our club President, Sheri Yoss, from the U.S.
In addition to all this, we have:
Advertising Coordinator: Erik Ackner from Germany
Charities Coordinator: Janina Olschewski from Germany
CIC Crafts Coordinator: Karin Ryden from Sweden
Committee Chairperson: Diane Sonam from the U.S.
Games Coordinator: Wendy Lin from Canada
Performances Coordinator: Erik Ackner from Germany
Treasurer: Ilona vanWeede from Holland
Used Book Sale: Corinne Smith from Canada
Volunteer Coordinator: Bessy Tang from China
CIC Holiday Bazaar
Saturday, November 19th 10am to 4pm
Chengdu International School: 68 Tonggui Rd.
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