Young Professionals Mixer, Vol. 25
Volume 25 of the Young Professional Mixers will take place at Fairmont Chengdu on November 10th. Grow your network, find like minded people and enjoy an evening of drinks – the perfect way to kick start your weekend. Grow your network, finding like minded people and enjoy an evening of drinks – the perfect way to kick start your weekend.
喝酒、交朋友,这是一场简单的Social活动! 11月10日,成都两大社群社交平台 Chengdu-Expat & CD Offline Events 社群之家 将迎来第二次合作,联袂举办第25期成都职业青年交流鸡尾酒会。给大家提供一个社交的场合,认识更多志同道合的朋友!
The Young Professional network was founded 6 years ago, in order to give motivated young people in the city an accessible platform to meet, that could be a place to meet future partners and innovators. It now contains over 800 active members.
The Young Professional network 成立于6年前,目的是为本市职场新秀们提供一个友好轻松的商业社交平台,这可能是一个会见未来合作伙伴和创新者的地方。目前社群拥有超过800名活跃成员。
Date/ Time:
Friday November 10th, 7:30-10pm
Pre-sale 预售价: 100RMB
After November 8th 标准价格(11月8日后): 120RMB
Each ticket includes 2 selected drinks 一张门票包含两杯特选酒水
(Please note that tickets are not refundable 请注意本次活动不退款)
Scan de QR code below, or click here.
Fairmont Chengdu, 2F CUBE 成都费尔蒙酒店2楼
269 Tianfu Middle Avenue, Gaoxin District 高新区天府大道中段269号
Dresscode: Business Casual 商务休闲 – 鸡尾酒
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