Mahjong Night!来打麻将啦 májiàng
Dive into a chill atmosphere.Discover the rich culture behind 麻将 (májiàng) , mahjong!Play mahjong with people from different countries.Soft drinks and snacks and new friends!
Event Details:
1. Join us in playing Mahjong, exploring Chinese culture events.
2. Gain a deeper understanding of 麻将 májiàng, Mahjong.
3. Practice Chinese while playing through constant speaking and listening.
4. Enjoy drinks and snacks and make new friends.
Date/ Time:
Wed. November 27th, 19:00-21:30
Early bird 50 RMB / person (if you sign up before 19th Nov. 12:00pm)
Normal 75 RMB / person
Add WeChat: thatsmandarincd02 to sign up and get more details.
That’s Mandarin Chengdu School
502, WEChengdu, No. 2 Dongsheng Street, Qingyang District, Chengdu
成都市青羊区东胜街 2 号 德必大陆宽窄WEChengdu 502 室