The Chengdu Bookworm and Spittoon Collective are excited to present: The Spittoon Literary Tour – A Cross-Cultural Collaboration of Literature, Music and Art.
The last two years have seen a wild ride of growth for Spittoon events in Beijing from Spittoon Poetry; Spittoon Fiction; Spit-Tunes (our music and poetry collaboration night) and the Spittoon Poetry Slam night, to the major success of the Spittoon Literary Magazine, which launched its second issue at the 798 Art District earlier in May. Spittoon has flourished in Chengdu as well, where its monthly reading night, begun in February 2017, has been well-received. We would like to thank our followers for their genuine support.
The ethos of this tour is collaboration and the celebration of the diversity of cultures and nations that Spittoon exemplifies. It will consist of 2 days’ worth of readings, talks and panel discussions. After a successful run in Beijing, the Spittoon Literary Tour arrives in Chengdu October 14th and 15th!
The Spittoon Collective organizes a large variety of events and activities ranging from poetry and fiction reading nights to workshops and a music-poetry collaboration called Spit-Tunes. It is a platform that supports and sustains literary and artistic collaborations between Chinese artists and artists from all over the world.
Chengdu Programs
October 14th, SATURDAY
Meet Spittoon – Welcome Event | 15:30-17:00
Poetry Reading Showcase | 18:00-19:00
Poetry Panel | 19:15 – 20:00
Spit-Tunes | 20:30 – 22:00
Party | 22:00 – late!
Saturday Events| 周六项目
Meet Spittoon – Welcome Event | The Chengdu stop on the Spittoon Literary Tour kicks off with an introduction of Spittoon Beijing by one of its founders, Matthew Byrne, and explosive readings by Beijing- and Chengdu-based writers.
Poetry Reading Showcase | A peek into Chengdu’s diverse world of poetry. The best of Spittoon Chengdu’s reading nights take the stage to lay down the verses! Featuring both Chinese-to-English and English-to-Chinese poetry in translation. The performance will be followed by a panel discussion with the authors and translators.
Poetry Panel | After the performance, the audience is invited to join the performers, a mixed panel of expat and Chinese poets and translators, for an informal Q&A session. A bilingual host will facilitate a dialogue between artists and audience.
Spit-Tunes | First introduced in Beijing, Spit-Tunes brings you a wild collaboration of spoken word and music for an evening unlike any other!
Party | Let your hair down with the poets and musicians for a night of literary revelry! (try saying that three times fast)
* Magazines AVAILABLE at the Bookworm *
October 15th,SUNDAY
Literary Translation Talk | 15:30-17:00
Fiction Reading Showcase | 17:30-18:45
Fiction Panel | 19:00 – 19:45
Improv Storytelling | 20:30 -21:30
Sunday Events| 周日项目
Literary Translation Talk | Reggie Qin, Deputy Director of the English Department of Sichuan Agricultural University, discusses the art of literary translation, its difficulties and its rewards.
Fiction Reading Showcase | Explore the subtleties of prose with a set of talented Chengdu-based writers. A showcase of creative stories from diverse backgrounds. The performance will be followed by a panel discussion with the authors.
Fiction Panel | After the performance, the audience is invited to join the authors for an informal Q&A session. A bilingual host will facilitate a dialogue between artists and audience.
Spittoon & Poetry Primates Present: Improv Storytelling | The line between audience and performer blurs in this creative sprint. Let loose with poetry and storytelling, tap your inner wisdom and group genius, and discover a fresh story!
Address: 2-7, East Yujie St., 28 Sect. 4th,South Renmin Rd
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