4 Bedroom/2 Wash Room Apartment in Gaoxin District, South Chengdu. Location of the apartment is 288 West Jinhui Street (锦晖西二街288号,仁和春天国际花园Renhe Spring Residential Development). The interior design of the apartment is completed by my wife and I, which serves for only one purpose – cozy to live in. There’re 4 bedrooms and 2 wash room (both with washlet, and one with bathtub and 2 basins) in this apartment. 65-inches Cable TV, central air conditioners, floor heating, fridges, oven, washing machines, hot water, internet access etc.
Looking for long term rental (minimum a year, RMB 14,000 per month), please feel free to contact us if interested.
(for more information, add WeChat: Chengdu-Expat2)
Having an air conditioning system in the home is like you do not need to worry about the hot weather. Generally, when the summer knocks on the door, then the air conditioner plays an important role as it gives relief from the heat. Well, there are many benefits of having an air conditioning system in the home as it circulates and filters the fresh air, which is very beneficial for the person who is suffering from the allergies. But at the same time, we need to provide proper maintenance service to it in order to run the whole system smoothly. One can pop over here if you are looking for the best maintenance service.
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