March 22-24: Chengdu Startup Weekend #8
Startup Weekends are 54-hour events designed to provide superior experiential education for technical and non-technical entrepreneurs. Beginning with Friday night pitches and continuing through brainstorming, business plan development, and basic prototype creation, Startup Weekends culminate in Sunday night demos and presentations.
Participants create working startups during the event and are able to collaborate with like-minded individuals outside of their daily networks. All teams hear talks by industry leaders and receive valuable feedback from local entrepreneurs.
The weekend is centred around action, innovation, and education. Whether you are looking for feedback on an idea, a co-founder, specific skill sets, or a team to help you execute, Startup Weekends are the perfect environment in which to test your idea and take the first steps towards launching your own startup.
This time we invite you to join in on the multi-billion-dollar industry that is setting the startup space on fire!
The Femtech (female technology) sector is heating up; and, according to Frost & Sullivan, is projected to be a USD$50 billion industry by 2025.
Femtech loosely refers to any product or service designed to improve female lives – and is changing the conversation, tools, technology solutions and products available to women, particularly in the areas of female health and well-being. The industry is working to solve concerns and problems around accessibility and affordability of traditional products and services at different stages of life.
Innovative and digitized solutions to address women’s health, happiness, physiology and psychology continue to grow, and there seems to be no boundaries to the possibilities ahead. The market is huge, and female focussed travel, safety, wellness, dating/lifestyle and education are all potential areas that could be developed. When you have a potential audience that includes 50% of the population, what’s stopping you?
Jump onboard one of the fastest growing industry sectors – join Startupweekend – Femtech and crack open the market!
Ticket price includes food for the entire weekend (3 dinners, 2 lunches and 2 light breakfasts) as well as water.
Early Bird Price: 200RMB
Standard Price: 260RMB
Early Bird Price: 160RMB
Standard Price: 200RMB
Sunday Observers:
Standard Price: 100RMB
Sunday Spectator ticket only provides attendance to the Sunday night final presentations.
Friday, March 22, 2019, 6:30 pm to 10:10 pm
Saturday, March 23, 2019, 9 am to 9:10 pm
Sunday, March 24, 2019, 9 am to 9 pm
#31 Zongfu Road, Jinjiang District, Chengdu, China
Registration will close March 21, 2019 at 10 am
Scan the QR-Code below to register, or click here for more information
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