Chaos Chaos China Tour-Chengdu
2014年,她们发表了EP《Committed to the Crime》,其中一首《Do You Feel It?》被用于热门动画片《瑞克与莫蒂》(Rick and Morty)第二季中。之后她们趁热打铁,与《瑞克与莫蒂》的创作人、导演以及配音演员Justin Roiland合作了一曲《Terryfold》,这首单曲最高排名达到了BILLBOARD公告牌排行榜第33位。2018 年,她们为《瑞克与莫蒂》的头号粉丝——“坎爷”Kanye West的41岁生日特别创作了单曲《Kanye’s B-Day Song》。
Chaos Chaos融合了Indie pop、Synth Pop以及Indie Rock的元素,配上Saavedra姐妹独有的动听声线,营造出属于她们自己音乐天地。
A second EP, Committed to the Crime, arrived in 2014. After their song “Do You Feel It” was used in the animated television show Rick & Morty, the Saavedras collaborated with the show’s co-creator, Justin Roiland, on the single “Terryfold,” which made an entry onto Billboard’s Hot Rock Songs chart in 2017. Now they started their journey in China, to bring their special spice to the Chinese crowd.
Time | 时间
Location | 地址
小酒馆 (芳沁店)
Little Bar (Fangqin Branch)
No.87-5, Fangqin Road
Ticket | 门票
90~120 RMB
Scan the QR code for info and tickets