Smart Air Pollution Workshop
Come join Smart Air to learn about air pollution and how purifiers really work. In our workshop you’ll learn that it doesn’t need to cost thousands of RMB to get clean air. Participants who pre-order now can build their own Smart Air purifier at the workshop to take home. Smart Air聪明空气DIY沙龙,介绍雾霾之下空气净化器和口罩背后的故事,以及手把手教你制作简易高效又价格亲民的空气净化器,你会发现其实并不需要花几千甚至上万元才能呼吸到干净的空气。沙龙结束后就带着自己做的DIY空气净化器回家吧!把雾霾拒之门外。
What’s in a Smart Air Workshop?
1. Air pollution knowledge! Smart Air teaches the basics about air pollution, whether masks actually work, and how to protect your health. 2. Build your own Smart Air purifier. It takes just five minutes, and you can bring it home to remove PM 2.5 from your home right away! 3. Use Smart Air’s laser particle counter to test your new purifier on the spot.
1. 空气污染须知!聪明空气教大家空气净化器工作原理,口罩是不是管用和怎么样保护自己和家人的身体健康。 2. 现场制作一台简易空气净化器,可以带回家马上减少家里的PM 2.5。 3. 用激光测试仪在现场测试你的新净化器的效果!
The DIY Device:
一个简单的DIY净化器(电扇+HEPA过滤网)可以在卧室(13.5平方米)使用. A simple DIY purifier (fan + HEPA filter) can be used in a 13.5m2 room.
Want to build your own DIY purifier for only 200RMB?! Order one from here (link to ) and use the address 「四川省成都市武侯区人民南路四段48号附32号 首座万里商业街1楼 啤酒窝餐吧」 with the shipping name as “YOUR NAME – Smart Air” and you’ll get to build and test your very own purifier during the workshop!
想要制作一台200元的净化器吗?快去我们官方淘宝 (link to ) 下单。下单时候用Beer Nest 的地址「四川省成都市武侯区人民南路四段48号附32号 首座万里商业街1楼 啤酒窝餐吧」写名字时候用 “你的名字 – Smart Air”。这样,讲完沙龙可以制作和测试你自己的净化器!
Date and Time/ 日程+时间:
Wednesday, December 19. 12月19号,星期三 19:30-21:30 [Bilingual 双语]
Tickets/ 门票 (incl. 1 selected drink/ 包括一杯酒水)
Presale ticket 预售票: 30RMB
At the door 当日票:40RMB
Venue/ 场地:
The Beer Nest II / 啤酒窝2店
Renmin South Road Section 4 – No. 48-32, Master Commercial Street (F1, behind Country Garden Real estate sales office, close to “AMI Bar” or Bank of China) 人民南路四段48号附32号,首座万里商业街1楼 (碧桂园森林城市售房部后面, AMI酒吧、中国银行、乐道茶馆附近)
Limited tickets, Click or scan the QR code below to RSVP
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