On Friday, 31st July 2015, head to the new Skybar, Vantage XXVII at The St. Regis Chengdu to get the glow at the Full Moon Party where you can get painted in fluorescent paint and watch the fire show with a glass of Moet & Chandon Champagne or a selected cocktail in hand.
St Regis Full Moon Party 满月派对EN(1)

满月派对的传统是要全身涂满荧光颜料在满月下热舞狂欢,你可以像个艺术家一样在身体涂抹颜料吸引别人。在沙滩上,有fire show,有比基尼美女,有帅哥,有酒精,有荧光,还有情欲。在一曲曲的放着House、 Techno、Trance、 Downbeat、Drum and Bass的无国界的沙滩上,你可以尽情跳舞开怀大笑,释放你的所有激情。相信每个人都会为这难忘的一次毕生体验而骄傲自豪。

满月派对 Full Moon Party @ The St. Regis Chengdu

成都瑞吉酒店会呈现夏日最振撼的节奏,由DJ Luna带来的音乐让你在这个夏日的满月夜,激情畅舞
The infamous Full Moon Party that graces the shores of Koh Phangan every month, is landing in Chengdu on Friday 31st July.
The St Regis Chengdu will bring you the beat of summer with DJ Luna who will keep you dancing under the moonlight all night long.

云端27酒吧将会集各色身着荧光服饰、手持荧光棒和呼啦圈的舞者。您还可以在月夜下观看火光魔法, 身着五彩荧光,准备呈现您最惊艳的模样。
The rooftop at the new Skybar, Vantage XXVII will be home to dancers in fluorescent outfits, glow sticks and hoola hooping. Watch the fire jugglers work their magic in the night sky. Prepare to have your bodies covered in colour.

在这场疯狂的盛宴上同样会提供酩悦香槟。让您的脸上画上美丽的图案,在月光下闪烁吧。这场无法抗拒活动的预售门票定价为128元人民币 (入场门票158元人民币),含一杯酩悦香槟或一杯精选鸡尾酒。
This sophisticated bash will blow you away as you raise a glass of Moet & Chandon Champagne or a selected cocktail on the rooftop. Get your face paints on and be prepared to glow. Get your ticket in advance for just RMB 128 (door: RMB 158) incl. a glass of Moet & Chandon Champagne or a selected cocktail, an offer you cannot refuse.

For those wanting to really party until the sun rises a fantastic Champagne package is available for RMB1088 that includes two bottles of Moet & Chandon Champagne.

Venue/ 地点 Vantage XXVII, The St. Regis Chengdu 成都瑞吉酒店“云端27”空中酒吧
Time/ 时间 8:00pm – 2:00am 31st July 2015 2015年7月31日, 晚8点至2015年8月1日凌晨2点
Dress Code/ 着装要求 Glowing Summer 夏日炫目
Tickets/ 门票
Presale: RMB128 incl. a glass of Moet & Chandon Champagne or a selected cocktail 入场门票(预售): RMB 128 包含一杯酩悦香槟或一杯精选鸡尾酒
Door入场门票(现付)RMB158 incl. a glass of Moet & Chandon Champagne or a selected cocktail RMB 158 包含一杯酩悦香槟或一杯精选鸡尾酒
Information/ 更多信息:
Champagne Package: RMB1088 incl. two bottles of Moet & Chandon Champagne
Contact/ 咨询电话 028-82900000/15928999073

Address/ 地:青羊区太升南路88号
Qingyang District, TaiSheng South Road No.88


Want your events/ parties listed? Send us the info to info@chengdubeer.com


*More Chengdu info/ events: please scan our QR code

2015年7月31日星期五成都瑞吉酒店新开业的空中酒吧“云端27”邀您参加满月派对. 身着五彩荧光,手持着酩悦香槟,共赏绚烂烟花秀。


满月派对 Full Moon Party in Thailand

在世界三大“狂野派对”胜地之一的泰国帕岸岛,每到月圆时分的“满月”期间,来自世界各地的背包客(自助旅行者)和电音族(电子音乐迷),都会成群结队来此朝圣。在前往参加海滩“满月派对”(Full Moon Party)的道路两侧,每个店铺门前都会摆满各种酒桶和各式酒品饮料。


满月派对 传统 Full Moon Party Traditions

Venue/ 地点
Vantage XXVII, The St. Regis Chengdu 成都瑞吉酒店“云端27”空中酒吧

Time/ 时间
8:00pm – 2:00am 31st July 2015
2015年7月31日, 晚8点至2015年8月1日凌晨2点

Dress Code/ 着装要求
Glowing Summer 夏日炫目

Tickets/ 门票
Presale: RMB128 incl. a glass of Moet & Chandon Champagne or a selected cocktail
入场门票(预售): RMB 128 包含一杯酩悦香槟或一杯精选鸡尾酒

RMB158 incl. a glass of Moet & Chandon Champagne or a selected cocktail
RMB 158 包含一杯酩悦香槟或一杯精选鸡尾酒
Information/ 更多信息:
Champagne Package: RMB1088 incl. two bottles of Moet & Chandon Champagne
Contact/ 咨询电话

Address/ 地青羊区太升南路88号

Qingyang District, TaiSheng South Road No.88


Want your events/ parties listed? Send us the info to info@chengdubeer.com


*More Chengdu info/ events: please scan our QR code

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