Tag Archives: virus

Putting the Coronavirus in Perspective

The new coronavirus originating in Wuhan has caused much concern throughout China and the rest of the world.The primary symptoms of the virus are a dry cough, fever and breathing problems. In severe cases, an infected individual can develop pneumonia

Coronavirus: Latest Updates – Fear for Global Pandemic

Data statistics, as of 2020/03/23, 01:10Since the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) first came to the attention of the WHO on December 31, 2019, and the news about this unknown strain found in Wuhan broke in early January, it had a major

How to Keep Yourself Safe from Coronavirus

Here’s how to Protect Yourself Against Coronavirus1.Wash your hands with soap and water to minimize your infection risk. The best way to prevent coronavirus is to wash your hands as often as possible. Wet your hands with warm water, then