Finding English Language Books in Chengdu

Finding English language books in Chengdu can be difficult if you’re unsure where to look, but in fact there are quite a few places in Chengdu to find yourself English (and other) Language Books. Take a look below.

Fangsuo 方所书店

Zhongshuge 钟书阁

Zhongshuge 钟书阁<

Zhongshuge is  a new, state-of-the-art book store in Yintai in 99 center. Among the collection are a few popular Western books.

Address: 1199, Tianfu Ave North Section. 5F, Yintai In99.四川省成都市天府大道北段1199号

A4 Art Book Store A4 艺术书店

A4 Art Book Store A4 艺术书店

Located in Shuangliu Luxelakes A4 Art Museum, this art book store attracts readers with its selective book collection in Art and Design.

Address: 18, Lushan Ave. 2nd Section, Luxelakes·A4 Art Museum双流麓山大道二段十八号麓镇A4当代艺术中心

Page One

Page One

This new branch of Page One in IFS, Chengdu, is the largest Foreign Bookstore in China. More than 50% of books in Page One are in English and other foreign languages. You can also find an abundant collection of art and design books.

Address: 5F, IFS

Illu 一庐书店

Illu 一庐书店

Illu provides a small, but comprehensive collection of original art books in English. You can also find some design and architecture books here.

Address: SanshengxiangCounty BlueRoof Art Valley block 3.三圣花香荷塘月色蓝顶艺术新村二期3栋

Rosabooks 无早

Rosabooks 无早

Rosabooks is a specialized independent book shop for foreign magazines and independent publications. You can find unique and independent foreign publications  at Rosabooks. There is also a cafe on the first floor.

Address: 5-1 Qinglianshang Street 青莲上街5号附1号

天府书城Tianfu Bookstore

天府书城Tianfu Bookstore

Address: 86 Fisrt Section South Renmin Road.人民南路一段86号

西南书城SouthWest Bookstore

西南书城SouthWest Bookstore

Address: 318, Dongdajie Street, Jinjiang District. 锦江区东大街上东大街段318号九龙新城1层

成都购书中心 Chengdu Book Center

成都购书中心 Chengdu Book Center

Address: 266, Wuhouci Street, Huada Shangcheng. 武侯祠大街266号华达商城内


Public Libraries are also good places to find English language books. Both Sichuan Library and Chengdu public Library have collections of foreign language books on their shelves. You can bring your passport or residence permit and register for library access to read and borrow books. Bibliographic search is also available online before you go to either library to find your book, although the Chengdu Public Library is only in Chinese. You’ll find the foreign bookshelves on the 5th floor of both libraries.

四川省图书馆 Sichuan Library

四川省图书馆 Sichuan Library

Bibliographic Sichuan Library

Address: 4 West Renmin Road, Qingyang District青羊区人民西路4号

成都图书馆 Chengdu Public Library

成都图书馆 Chengdu Public Library

Bibliographic Chengdu Public Library

Address: 99, Wenweng Road.  文翁路99号

Amazon Online

Last but not least, find your book online! With the fastest and most convenient online purchasing system, there is no easier way to buy books than on the Internet.



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