Although things are certainly getting closer to normality in the city, many residential compounds, malls, gyms, bars, and restaurants are asking for people to show a color coded permit, or government issued app to prove they aren’t a health risk.
Unfortunately the main WeChat app Tianfu Health 成都天府健康 requires a Chinese ID card – so we’ve put together the alternatives foreigners can use.
Stay safe Chengdu!
Health Test / Permit
If you are looking to travel to another city, or you are required to have a physical health permit to access some compounds/offices, there are 3 steps (but it was a lot easier than we thought it might be):
Go to the management office of your residential compound and get them to write a letter saying you haven’t left the city in the last 14 days. They will need to print and stamp it.
Go to your local ‘community center’ 社区 and get them to assess and stamp a declaration. If you don’t know where your is, the guards in your compound, or the management office can tell you.
Next go to the local 卫生中心 and get then to give you a health check. They don’t actually check anything, but rather take your temperature, and ask if you’ve been to high risk countries, or Hubei province.
They will then stamp your health certificate, and you’re good to go. Sources have said despite this paper, when travelling to other cities, they have still had to do more paperwork on arrival and departure at the airport, but it did do the job.
Sichuan Health Declaration Form
Health MiniPrograms
You might have already noticed – foreigners are not able to register on the Tianfu Health 天府健康通 MiniProgram that Chinese people use to declare their status. As many guards and health workers don’t know this, it can cause misunderstandings. There are other alternatives you can use:
Cellphone Network Declaration
These QRs will direct you to the app run by your network provider, who using the data from your mobile plan, can tell where you have been, and certify your location.
Health MiniPrograms
You might have already noticed – foreigners are not able to register on the Tianfu Health 天府健康通 MiniProgram that Chinese people use to declare their status. As many guards and health workers don’t know this, it can cause misunderstandings. There are other alternatives you can use:
Cellphone Network Declaration
These QRs will direct you to the app run by your network provider, who using the data from your mobile plan, can tell where you have been, and certify your location.
Alternative Government MiniProgram
Another MiniProgram -this time from the government (yes, they are watching you) – that figures out where you’ve been, is called 国家政府服务平台. This one allows you to register/ check-in using your Chinese mobile number. It’s fairly easy, so scan the QR below, hit the green button, enter your phone number, obtain the code by text message, click the green button 通信行程卡 and – hopefully – see a green arrow appear.
Scan below to use
Other Useful Tips
Thank you!
Paper Compound Card
If none of the above works, some residential compounds gave people paper passes, to prove they live there – these will also likely work in bars and restaurants.
Example of community entry pass
Very informative, thank you so much for helping foreigners in China. GOD bless yiu