Until 2024.1.4: TaiKoo Li Chengdu Allegro Winter Special

On November 23rd, Taikoo Li Chengdu revealed their winter campaign and invited the public to join. ALLEGRO is a musical and kinetic artwork that brings to life winter’s melodious and joyful spirit.A carouse of lights elegantly unfolds, creating a stunning 150m-long garland weaving through Temple Plaza. Adorned with 1,000 chimes, the ribbon-like architecture invites visitors to engage in an interactive symphonic promenade, composing this joyful melody. Allegro is a term used in music to describe a lively tempo, often indicates a cheerful and energetic character in a musical composition.

As an active explorer in the creation of urban public space, Taikoo Li Chengdu once again tries to break the traditional boundaries of physical space and create a more three-dimensional multi-sensory scene to establish with consumers deeper spiritual resonance.

Visitors can experience the artwork at Taikoo Li’s central Temple Plaza 漫广场 until January 4th, daily from 10am until 10:30pm.

Taikoo Li Chengdu, Temple Plaza

Date/ Time:
2023.11.23 – 2024.1.4
Daily, 10am – 10:30pm.



快板(意大利语 Allegro):在音乐中表示速度和感情的标记,每分钟演奏约120至168个节拍,同时带有「欢乐」的含义。

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