• First things first, please note that the vaccine record mentioned in this article does not mean that returning to China has, or will get any easier. Very few foreigners are still able to return at the moment and compulsory quarantine is still in place. 

• This document may be useful if you plan to travel when the borders open, are planning on leaving China for good – or just want a bilingual record of your vaccination for your own peace of mind.


COVID Vaccination History obtained at Sichuan Int’l Travel Healthcare Center
Image: Chengdu-Expat

It is not possible to obtain the ‘International Vaccine Passport’ in Chengdu, as it is reserved for other vaccinations (such as malaria, tuberculosis, etc.) and also won’t make it any easier to return.

If you have been vaccinated with both shots, you can now obtain a bilingual “Record Transcribed from Vaccination History” (a simple, bilingual document of COVID vaccination history) document at the Sichuan International Travel Health Center in Tongzilin.

The cost is 90RMB and can be processed on the spot.


 Documents needed:

Passport or ID (original)

Printed vaccination papers

(you can print a screenshot of the vaccination document that is attached to your Tianfu Health Code)



Workdays, 8-11am/ 2-3:30pm


F1, Room 102

Sichuan International Travel Health Center

No.1, Tongzilin Road North, Wuhou District

四川国际旅行卫生保健中心, 武侯区桐梓林北路1号

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