Chengdu Through The Lens | April

Chengdu in the Spring: sticky metro rides, music festivals and days so clear, you can see the mountains. April brought a full line up of breathtaking pictures so thank you to all the wonderful photographers that were featured @chengduexpat in April 2019!

Tag us @ChengduExpat to be featured next month.


Spring cleaning @mjgfurnell


Day of the living @tomveekae


Drinking in the pink @seboregon


Who needs a camel back? @amieecai


Fail to prepare, prepare to fail @gatsby_leo


Mustard greens between crooked teeth @krisprovoost


Much tǔdòu about nothing @prav_pan


Málà mannequins @yuandakun


Work-Life balance @amieecai


Oh my gord @abiraltakespicture


Leave nothing behind but footsteps @prinsloo_photography


Give us oodles, of sweet water noodles…  @war_ti_na


Mind the gap @wenqiao.z


Pāi pāi pāi pagoda @tonyttan


When the old things are still the prettiest @mayunzi


Sunsets, at last. @maxxeich


Bladerunner buildings @mikemogler




Account of the month @bokshiphotography

Asmar Shrestha

Amar Shrestha has been living in Chengdu for 3 years. He is a product and architecture photographer, alongside this he enjoys taking candid photographs of cinematic street scenes to capture the reality of daily life.




Do you have beautiful photos of Chengdu and would like to be featured next month?

Tag us at @ChengduExpat or hashtag #ChengduExpat


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