Chengdu Rugby Football Club is now recruiting players
成都橄榄球俱乐部成立于2006年2月,是国内最早成立的业余橄榄球俱乐部球队之一。目前俱乐部内有两支球队-一支男队(Chengdu Pandas)和一支女队(Ruckin’ Reds)。队内成员来自不同的国籍、不同的背景。Formed in Feb 2006, the Chengdu Rugby Football Club is one of the foremost social (rugby) teams in China. There are currently two teams within the club – a men’s team (Chengdu Pandas) and a ladies team (Ruckin’ Reds)
The club is always on the lookout for people who want to be a part of this community – who want to play, engage in social events and activities, to have fun and possibly improve their health. All experiences of rugby (or none) are welcome. We have several qualified coaches and doctors that can help manage risks and the safeguards in place in rugby.
目前,每周二和周四下午18:30到20:30,俱乐部都会在四川大学东门足球场进行培训。成都熊猫最近还赢下了成都西南石油大学举行的触摸橄榄球比赛。Chengdu Rugby Football Club train on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Sichuan University, East gate field between 6:30 and 8:30pm. The Chengdu Pandas won the recent Touch Rugby tournament held at Chengdu Southwest Petroleum University.未来,成都橄榄球俱乐部还计划举办不同的活动和锦标赛。会员也可以享受如在精选餐厅、酒吧和健身房的相应折扣。
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成都橄榄球俱乐部还入选了2019年Chengdu-Expat年度颁奖典礼中年度最佳运动社区提名,欢迎扫码为他们投票 👏
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