Tag Archives: cuisine

Spanish Restaurants in Chengdu

Whether you’re craving some Tapas, Enchilada’s or Paella we’ve got you covered.Here’s a list of the Spanish Restaurants in the City.La Picada Spanish Restaurant A traditional tapas restaurant (before called Innovate Food) with Spanish classics such as paella. You can find

The Many Faces of Sichuan Local Cuisine

By Susan JohnsonSource: MORE Magazine July 2016We’ve always felt that one of the best things about living in Chengdu is the food, but finding and keeping up with the good spots has been taking some work. Sichuan food is one

Going From Hot Pot Noob to DIY Hot Pot Scholar in One Read

Now that autumn has come to an end and the winter months have settled down for a short while, us poor devils have to do all that we can to prevent ourselves from succumbing to the frostbite. An exaggeration, I