Chengdu Through The Lens: October 2020

It is October and the weather is getting colder but these pictures are warming our hearts, this is why we love Chengdu. This post is dedicated to our favourite photographs of Chengdu and the talented photographers who managed to capture Chengdu’s beauty with each shot.

Here is Chengdu this October through the lens…

Peaceful October

Peace & Serenity


Jiutian Tower this October

Power & Impact


Tencent Office Building this October

Unique Architecture


Balloons for celebration this October


Yui Lei Pagoda under a starry evening


City Lights in the financial section

The Heart of Chengdu



City Life

Nature in its autumnal glory


Knowledge lights the way

October 2020: The account of the month @adamyee12

A bit about Adam:

My name is Adam and I’m from Liverpool. I’ve been studying and working in Chengdu for about 3.5 years now. I am passionate about photography. But, also film and writing. I love all things visual! This is why I love picking up the camera and trying to tell stories through images. I hope to create something interesting from an everyman’s view. Hopefully, this is captured in my shots.


Thank you to the photographers featured this for their visual reminders of why we love Chengdu.

Are you a budding Chengdu photographer? Tag us at @ChengduExpat or #Chengduexpat in your captions


 Check out last years photos of the month:

Chengdu Through The Lens: October

The beautiful library featured in this post is at check it out if you are looking for a fun day out. You may find reading reviews helpful: 

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