What is Walnut?

Walnut is embracing the future of the workplace by building a meaningful community that houses not only entrepreneurs, but also freelancers, creative, startups and even branches of large corporations. They are empowering a new generation of labor to not only work, but also to connect, create, and innovate.

They provide the space, community and services to empower you to do the things that you love.

Inside the Walnut community, there is a congregation of raw talent, brain power, and tenacity; they believe that each individual’s work should be a reflection of his or her passion, dedication and sacrifice.

Picture: Walnut Cafe

Walnut Perks:

*Unlimited Beer: IPA/ Wheat/ Smoked

*Fruit Water: Some say it’s better tasting than plain water

*Coffee & Tea: To keep you awake while others are asleep

*High Speed Internet: Access the world’s information without barriers

Public office:

We pursue meaning to the work we create; We understand there should be pain before gain; Ultimately, we embrace the struggle. At Walnut, you are not here just to work; you are here to create a lifetime experience!



*Address/地址: 成都市金牛区蜀西路42号三泰魔方

*Website/网页: www.walnut.im

*Instagram: walnut_coworking

*Facebook: Walnut联合办公

*Weibo: Walnut联合办公


Contact us for Business Cooperation



*More Chengdu info/ events: please scan our QR code[:zh]Walnut给你提供一个更舒适的创业空间和办公氛围,来了解一下Walnut吧?

Walnut 到底是做什么的


Walnut的中文语义为核桃, 形似大脑, 是智慧的象征。坚硬的核桃外壳象征着难以轻易突破的壁垒, 但只要打破了这道坚硬的外壳, 收获的是甘甜的果实。这正如人对自我的挑战和与他⼈的相处过程, 开始往往隔着一道看不见的屏障, 但只要推倒了陌⽣生感与定式思维的围墙, 就能迸发无尽的热情与创意。同时,在时间简史中,核桃又代表着世界,表示Walnut欢迎各种思想的交流与碰撞。


Cafe 室内咖啡厅 


*限量啤酒: IPA/ 小麦







*Address/地址: 成都市金牛区蜀西路42号三泰魔方

*Website/网页: www.walnut.im

*Instagram: walnut_coworking

*Facebook: Walnut联合办公

*Weibo: Walnut联合办公


Contact us for Business Cooperation



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