Trouble communicating at the bank? Need help talking to a doctor? Ayi doesn’t understand you?

Queble is free and here to help.


Through WeChat you simply call, message or send a photo to the team of standby professional translators and they will be able to help you daily between 8am – 10pm.


What’s the catch? There’s no strings attached and no app installs. Queble is a new US based company putting their services through BETA testing – they want to spend the next month seeing what common problems occur for people in China and how best to help them so are currently offering their services for free to followers of Chengdu-Expat.


How to sign up? Simply scan the QR code above or add WeChat ID: Jackson0111w and you will be put in touch with your on-demand translator who will be there if you need them over the next month.

Sign up before Sunday 20th November. It’s free and open to everyone.

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