• Noëmi and Anéline Plateau were born in China, but raised as sisters in Belgium.

• Please share and help spread the word to anyone that may have information.

Born in China, raised in Belgium

We are Noëmi and Anéline Plateau. We were born in China, each in a different province. Noëmi was born in 1996 in Hefei – Anhui and Anéline in 1999 in Changde – Hunan. We don’t have much information about the first years of our lifes.

We were both adopted by our Belgian parents and here in Belgium, we became sisters. We’ve had a nice childhood. Our parents were always very honest and open about our adoption. They always told us that our birth parents wanted to give us the best chances in life. We are very thankful for the lives we’ve got. We have very good friends, a big warm family and also in our professional lives, we’re very lucky to do what we love to do. Anéline is studying to become a filmmaker and Noëmi just finished her studies in a school of arts as an illustrator. We are very different, but because of that, we complement each other very well.

 Help Anéline & Noëmi find their biological parents

But despite all the good things in our lives, there is still a piece missing. Since we were little we had a lot of questions about where we come from, about who our birth parents are. Are they still alive? Do they think about us? … Being both Chinese and Belgian brought also a lot of questions. It is strange to be connected with a country and a culture, we didn’t grow up in. But we’re very curious about China and its people.

We have thought for a long time about searching. We talked a lot about it with our adoptive parents, family, and friends. Everyone is very supportive, which is heartwarming. Our adoptive parents are also very curious about our biological families. And they’re very thankful to have us in their lives. They were always very interested in China and its culture.

A lot of people say that the search won’t be easy. In a way, we always knew that it wouldn’t. Maybe that was a reason to wait so long…  But now that we really have started our search, we feel even more how important this is. It is also a search for ourselves.

 Spread the word!

Please share and help spread the word to anyone that may have information. The article can be found in Chinese by clicking read more at the bottom of this article. If you know someone that knows anyone that could help, please get in touch.

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And despite how hard it will be, we feel that we need to do this and that it will bring something good.