No matter how enthusiastically we embrace the world of digital readers and online literature, a paper copy of a novel or magazine usually feels most natural and is easiest on the eyes. Bookstores are easy to find in Chengdu, and most (even the smaller ones) will have a few English books – though one may need to hunt for them. Most common are shuangyu (双语), or side-by-side/parallel-translation books with English and Chinese. Places with a larger selection of English books are rarer. For us who read English natively, and especially for the newly arrived traveler going through the disorienting experience of being suddenly illiterate in a new language environment, having a selection of English books to browse and peruse feels like a luxury. Below are a few corners of civilization we’ve wandered into lately where it’s possible to read or buy English books in Chengdu.

Yanjiyou 言几又

Several location around town


Page One

IFS国际金融中心 L510-511.


This bookstore one of Chengdu’s biggest and


boldest, located downtown in IFS shopping mall, near Chunxi Road. The bookstore has a children’s section, a gift shop, and a few seats for people who want to relax with a book or two. There are plenty of new titles, large “coffee table” books, and a generous selection of design and art books. The books are well organized, and Page One is a great place for browsing or settling-down to flip through a book or two. They attract a lot of shoppers, as well as folks who are relaxing after work, or waiting to meet someone. There is also a restaurant attached – The Woodhouse -with a menu of drinks, snacks, and sweet stuff. Page One is likely to be your best bet for finding new releases and best sellers.

Fangsuo Commune

Fangsuo Commune

Time: 10:00 am-10:00 pm

Tel.: 028-86586858

Address: M68-70, B1/F, Tai Koo Li, 8 Middle Shamao St. 中纱帽街8号远洋太古里B1楼M68-70


The Fang Suo Commune is an all-in-one venue selling not only books but food, drinks, clothes and conceptual housewares and gadgets. With an area of nearly 4,000s q.m, the Fang Suo Commune consists of several functional sections: a book retailing area, boutiques, a café and a reading & interaction zone.

Jihe Bookstore 几何书店

Jihe Bookstore 几何书店

Time: 10:00 am-10:00 pm

Tel.: 028-84736838

Address: Wangping Riverside Road, Jinguanyi, Jinjiang District 锦江区望平滨河路2号


The Jihe Bookstore is situated besides Jinjiang Greenway. This popular location includes a spiralling staircase and a unique arched cave. There are different sized holes on the walls so that you can have a glimpse of readers immersed in their own world.

Fangting Commune Bookstore 方庭

Fangting Commune Bookstore 方庭

Time: 10:00 am-10:00 pm

Address: Huaqiao Gongyuan Mall, Jinniu District, Chengdu 成都金牛区华侨城公园广场里


Fangting Commune is the first self-operated themed community bookstore of Fangsuo! Fangting is located in the Park Plaza of Overseas Chinese Town, Jinniu District, Chengdu.

Xinshan Bookstore 新山书屋

Xinshan Bookstore 新山书屋

Time: 10:00 am-10:00 pm

Address: Vanke City Plaza, Shanbanqiao, Chenghua District 成华区杉板桥万科城市广场


This bookstore is a great escape from the hustle and bustle of city life. When you step into the bookstore, all you can see is the vintage texture of woods which makes the place feel very homely. Both the ground floor and the outdoors are rest areas, where tea and coffee are offered.

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