Chengdu is a constantly growing and changing city. From panda habitats to artificial moons, a lot’s been happening recently. Here’s a quick rundown:

Artificial Moon

On the more outlandish side of recent news, It has been announced that Chengdu will receive extra moonlight in the not-too-distant future. This will come from an ‘artificial moon’ satellite, which will intensify the illumination of the moon onto the city streets at night, providing additional lighting without the use of electricity. Details are sparse, but several key points have come to light regarding this strange new venture.

Click Here for the full story.

Capital of Style

Ni Pengfei once said, “Beijing has the beauty of a big city, Shanghai has the beauty of fashion, Guangzhou has the beauty of wealth, Chengdu has the beauty of life.” This is most definitely true of Chengdu, but Shanghai may have some competition in the fashion department.As covered in a report from GoChengdu, a summit on China’s ‘Top Fashion Cities’ was held in Chengdu, which revealed the rankings of China’s top fashion cities under various categories.  Chengdu did incredibly well in all categories, this success giving the city attention as Chengdu Fashion Week draws near.

Click Here for more.

Chengdu Creativity and Design Week Returns

Chengu’s very own creativity and design event is returning for the 5th time. The CCDW has become a notable event in both Chengdu and China’s cultural and creative industries as a whole, and is being built up recently as a big meeting of local, national and international companies. Many companies and products will be on display.

Click Here for more, and Here for the event page itself.

Panda News!

This year sees the 60th anniversary of Sichuan’s panda conservation efforts. It also sees the announcement of Chengdu’s 3 new panda habitats. Panda conservation has been incredibly successful in recent history, with special note of Chengdu’s own Giant Panda Research Breeding Base. These new plans aim to continue and greatly expand on this winning streak, whilst supposedly transforming Chengdu into an ecologically sound ‘Park City’.

Click Here for more

After Work Drinks Vol. 1

Last month saw the beginning of Chengdu Expat’s brand new After Work Drinks social, with Vol. 1 kicking things off in style at the fancy, scenic Iniecho restaurant. Great fun was had by all who attended, with a special buy 1 get 1 free deal and a late close to ensure a fun and relaxing time.

Click Here for more.

After last months success, Vol. 2 on November 15th is sure to keep on giving when the hard workers of Chengdu unwind at Homeplate BBQ. Hope to see you there!

Chengdu news is constantly coming out , both big and small, micro and macro, so keep coming back to Chengdu-Expat for the info you need to know.

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