Tag Archives: China

How to Renew your Visa while in Chengdu, China?

Renewing your Visa: A worrisome problem that most of us will face sooner or later. Below is a simple guide explaining how to renew different Visa categories.See below clear guidelines to Chinese Visa Application in Chengdu:L Visa RenewalL Visa =

Australian Gov. invites Australian university alumni to register for future events

留澳校友,澳大利亚驻成都总领事馆欢迎您回家!如果您曾经留学澳大利亚,现居四川、重庆、云南、贵州或是来自上述省市,热忱欢迎您加入西南地区留澳校友会!澳大利亚驻成都总领事馆将于近期及今后在领区范围内举办各类校友会活动,搭建交流平台,拓展沟通渠道,分享发展成果,共促澳大利亚和中国西南地区的友好合作关系。Are you an Australian university graduate from southwest China? Register online with the Australian Consulate-General in Chengdu for Australian alumni events!  澳大利亚驻成都总领事馆欢迎曾经的,现在的澳洲大学毕业的校友回家,请登陆官方网站进行注册登记,随后近期活动的邀请会函会发至各位邮箱,如果有任何疑问欢迎和他们联系。The Australian Consulate-General in Chengdu invites you register for upcoming events through our new alumni registration portal. The Consulate is

Interview The Beer Link – Dieter Vanonckelen

Interview The Beer Link “Drinkers Fridge” – 2015Please introduce yourself.My name is Dieter Vanonckelen, awesomely young (30), and was born in beer heaven (Belgium). From childhood onwards, I’ve always been active in different organizations. After living a year in South-America,

China’s recently announced a new official national holiday (Sept. 3-5) for V-Day celebration

The State Council said on May 13th there will be a national holiday on September 3 for this year’s celebrations marking the 70th anniversary of the victory in World War II.The move aims to allow people around the country to

“Like a Boss” – Young Entrepreneur Dieter Vanonckelen in Chengdu

Dieter Vanonckelen is a Belgian who has lived in Chengdu for approximately six years. Currently he runs both a bar and restaurant in the city, and is highly involved in Chengdu’s vibrant community through his other roles. He is the co-founder and highly involved with the

How Chai Jing changed the world today! China Pollution documentary

When I looked at my WeChat feed yesterday evening, I was happy to realize that there wasn’t popular videos talking about a dress changing colors or Jackie Chan “duang”, instead there were posts on issues that really matter.Inspired by her daughter

Football in Chengdu, China

2002 was a wonderful year for football in China. The nation was enthralled as the national team headed off to the World Cup and Chinese players graced teams in the premier leagues of Europe. So what went wrong? Everyone with

QSI International School of Chengdu Promotes Service Learning in China

QSI International School of Chengdu partnered with Heifer International for a service-learning “Read to Feed” program that encourages children to develop both a love of reading and an opportunity to help create a better world. During the past 3 years

“Chengdu, Can Do!”: The Land of Abundance

The fertile Chengdu Plain, on which Chengdu is located, is also known as the “Country of Heaven” (Chinese: 天府之国; pinyin: Tiānfǔzhiguó), a phrase also often translated as “The Land of Abundance”. The discovery of the Jinsha site suggests the area of Chengdu had become the center of the bronze age Sanxingdui culture around the time of the establishment of the state of Shu, prior to its annexation by Qin in 316 BCThough Chengdu has a rich history, like much of China, the face changing art that is a feature of Sichuan opera is a suitable metaphor for the city which is trying to be seen as a modern destination for business

Making History – Rotary returns to Chengdu after 75 years.

The Rotary Club of Chengdu (RCC) was chartered on September 21, 2014 at the Rotary China District Conference in held Shanghai. This special event revived a tradition that began on January 9, 1939, when the first Rotary Club of Chengdu